

For the latest activities, games, parties or events, check out the activity calendars for both Beachcomber Estates and Sam’s Beachcomber.

Important Announcements

Dean Meyers Memorial Bocce Tournament

Expanded tournament – Double Elimination which means even unless you are in the finals, you get 2 loses before being eliminated. Payouts may differ from normal tourneys. Some games may be affected by the Mini Valentine tourny on Feb 13th & 14th. Tourney Shoud take 10-14 days to complete.

To ensure timely progression of games, subs may or should be requested if unavailable to play for more than 2 days.
Tourney # 7 will begin following this tournament.

For more information, Contact Marg at 518-429-0754

Bocce Ball Tournament #4

The pairing and match-ups are posted in the Clubhouse . Let the games begin.

Welcome Back Party!

Karaoke/Dance with Jamie on January 18, 2025 at Beachcomber Estates. Save the date!

Beachcomber Estates Activity Calendar

Sam’s Beachcomber Activity Calendar